Liquid Light
Shalo P, 2010, Video, San Francisco
Unhappy with any descriptions, Shalo P could only note that Liquid Light is "a transmission in two parts comprised of light and sound from innumerable sources - meshing a dense audio/visual vocabulary within its seams... It is weather made from what I've known. As usual, it was to made rid myself of something pure."Shalo P is a San Francisco audio / visual artist interested in emotions and ways of describing feelings. His works exist within mediums as diverse as drawing, video, sound performance and curation. Their manner is generallly vibrant and alive, celebrating the moment with the viewer and constructing different games to play within a conceptual framework riddled with personal motif and universal themes of hatred, love, longing and sorrow. When asked what he does in particular he usually says that he's just “surveying the digital apocalypse and embellishing it with rainbows”.