By Craig Baldwin
Saturday, October 23, 2010, ATA, 2pm to 4pm - $6
Space is limited. Early registration is encouraged!
Calling All Media Cannibals!
Here's a HANDS-ON workshop for makers who opt to re-purpose found, orphan, or archival 16mm film material. Whether for historical citation (compilation doc), inter-textual quotation (appropriation art), polymorphous perversity (time-based collage), situationist parody (culture jam), or ultra-low budget (cinema povera), recycling the flotsam from an earlier media disaster (or mediocrity) can prove effective, affordable...and DOWNRIGHT FUN!
Craig Baldwin will rally the cargo cult around a pile of celluloid in a show'n'tell session that includes both technical instruction and many must-see exemplars (Some by the instructor himself).
Craig Baldwin is a filmmaker and curator whose interests lie in archival retrieval
and recombinatory forms of cinema, performance, and installation. He is the recipient
of several grants, including those from the Rockefeller Foundation, Alpert Award,
Creative Capital, Phelan, AFI, FAF, and California Arts Council. Over the last two
decades, his productions have been shown and awarded at numerous international
festivals, museums, and institutes of contemporary art, often in conjunction with panels,
juries, and workshops on collage and cultural activism. His own weekly screening
project, Other Cinema, has continued to premiere experimental, essay, and documentary
works for over a quarter century, recently expanding into DVD publishing.
After a 6-month world tour with his monumental 2-hour ‘collage narrative’
“Mock Up On Mu”, he has returned to studio work, and research on his next
short feature “Invisible Insurrection”.