2005 Census
Bryan Boyce - 2005/2010, 2:00, HDV, San Francisco
A fragment of a stumbled-upon vértité street scene is transformed into a mysterious meditation.
Bryan Boyce is a Mission District based media artist who has been proudly screening work at ATA since 1992.
ATA: Where did you find the footage for this video, and how did you decide how to manipulate it?
BB: I shot the footage when I was in Seoul, South Korea in 2005. I was just walking around downtown and stumbled on this street scene. I was playing around with the 20 minutes of raw footage off and on for years. I always liked the feeling that the kaleidoscope / mirror effect created, but it took a while for me to settle on using just those two shots.
ATA: The sound echoes the symmetrical composition of the video perfectly. Can you tell us what the process of putting that together was like?
BB: With a screening deadline looming and still no idea what to do about the sound for this project, I took a really great nap. As I was waking up, the idea struck me to use music tracks going forward and reverse to mirror the action.
ATA: Do you see making any more karaoke videos starring pit bulls in your future?
BB: I'm sure that new karaoke video inspiration will hit me eventually. But I don't have superstar dog housemates anymore, so the lead roles are up for grabs.
Interview by Liz Wing of ATA