
Program: Truce, Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:30PM



Sinisa Kukic - Super 8 Experimental film  2006  5:15 min  San Francisco, CA 

The making of Pump involved mounting a Super 8 camera to various parts of a fixed gear bicycle and riding around the city of San Francisco. Inspired by the city symphonies of Dziga Vertov, Pump molds the urban energy of their compositions with a more visceral moving perspective. The physicality of a bicycle offers a personal viewpoint that humanizes movement through industrial spaces and hybridizes traditions of hand-held and automotive camera movement.  

Sinisa Kukic, born and raised in the former Yugoslavia, currently resides in the US. Sinisa graduated from Southern Illinois University with a degree in cinema. While earning his undergraduate degree he produced several shorts, including Breathe (2003), which has aired on national television, and Conduit Of Displacement (2004), which has earned several awards. Currently Sinisa is attending San Francisco State University and continues to make experimental shorts and documentaries.