Clark Buckner - 2004 11:20 San Francisco, CA
After cutting up the December “Best of 2003” issue of Art Forum, I found myself confronted with a set of images that seemed to recall the cold war, and to speak to our post-cold war condition – as not merely “beyond” the cold war, but defined by its legacy. This video explores these resonances as a historical truth unconsciously articulated by the magazine.
Clark Buckner works as a video artist, curator, and educator. His videos have been exhibited most recently at ArtLA, Haley Martin Gallery, The Pigman Gallery, The ODC Gallery Project, and The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art. He is the gallery director at MISSION 17 and has published writings on art in Art Review, Artweek, The San Francisco Bay Guardian and Bomb magazine. He holds a PhD in philosophy from Vanderbilt University, and recently edited a volume of essays with Mathew Statler, titled Styles of Piety: Practicing Philosophy After the Death of God (Fordham University Press, December 2005). He currently teaches both graduate and undergraduate seminars on art and philosophy at Mills College, and The San Francisco Art Institute.