Ich bin ein junger Hupfer
Anna Geyer - 2008, 8:00, 16mm, San Francisco, CA, US
Two Überavian blacksmiths meet on a lazy spring afternoon – romance ensues.
A tour de force of hand manipulation techniques featuring the ray-o-gram, or as I like to call it, the annagram . Springs and spring-like metal shavings as well as feathers serve as the primary source materials, based on a pun, for "feder" is the word for both "spring" and "feather" in German. Further tinted, bleached, painted and rephotographed this material becomes a study of color and movement set against a soundtrack of organic(i.e birdsong) sounds and industrial blacksmithing/Überavian yodeling.
Anna Geyer is an award winning experimental filmmaker and writer. Her films have screened in many festivals both through out the United States and internationally. Cameraless, non-representational work has been the emphasis of her recent efforts, although she frequently describes her work as, “experimental with a narrative bent”. Presently she teaches in the cinema department at both San Francisco City College and Solano Community College.